With over one hundred schools in the District it is sometimes difficult to establish a clear channel of communication. That's where the VSMTA can help. The VSMTA was originally founded in the late 1960's to present Vancouver School District Music Events. It includes the sharing of music at all levels of vocal and instrumental development, and is composed of persons who teach one or more music classes in Vancouver schools. The purpose of the VSMTA is to unify and strengthen the program of music education in the Vancouver district. It does so by acting as an advocate to the Vancouver Board of Education, Ministry of Education, and post- secondary institutions. It sets and implements guidelines, provides support to new and continuing teachers, provides information and promotes discussion on important topics concerning music education in Vancouver, assists teachers with networking for the purpose of making new professional contacts, assists with district music events and coordinates four music scholarships. The Roy Peter Hudson Memorial Scholarship is for an outstanding elementary student. Secondary students with exemplary achievement and who are continuing on in music education are eligible for one of three awards: the John Trepp Memorial Scholarship for Choir, the Dennis Tupman Music Scholarship for Band, and the Sherie Wilson Memorial Scholarship for String Orchestra. The VSMTA holds two meetings a year, one in October and one in June, with additional meetings called as the need arises. The first AGM for 2019/2020 is on October 14th at Eric Hamber Secondary in the Auditorium. |